Apart from flavour, there’s a very good reason that cloves are used in so many cuisines around the world. We may have forgotten quite what those reasons are, but the humble spice has been imparting health benefits for generations to whoever is wise enough to use it in their food.
Health Benefits of Cloves
Cloves Health Benefits
Take a look at why cloves are good for you.
Helps with Digestion
Most spices are added to food for their digestive properties. Cloves are no different. They help soothe an upset stomach by alleviating such troubles as diarrhoea, nausea and gas. But don’t go overboard and increase your clove intake to ease these ailments as it may end up giving you heartburn. Before you go ahead and start using cloves for your digestive issues, it’s a good idea to consult with your health care practitioner.
Clears Up Nasal Passage
If you need something to make you spit up – like when you have a cold and need to expectorate the phlegm clogging up your airways – clove can help. That’s why clove tea or clove oil is sometimes prescribed for colds as it brings relief from a stuffy nose and sinus.
Clove as an Anti-Bacterial
The flavourful spice is known to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria, thus making it useful to fight off infections. That’s why clove tea can help get rid of the viral flu and another reason why colds disappear quickly when you ingest clove in some form.
Remedy for Oral Issues
A whiff of cloves is tantalising, not to mention lasting! Chewing on cloves is a common way to stave off bad breath. The oil eugenol, the active compound in clove which gives it these multiple health benefits, is released on chewing and permeates through the mouth. Since the aroma does not dissipate easily, your mouth will emanate a pleasant smell.
Pain Management
It is well-known that cloves applied on gums can help reduce tooth ache. Cloves, in fact, are known to contain compounds that lessen pain overall since they have anti-inflammatory properties. They are also effective in bringing relief from muscle spasms.
The anti-inflammatory properties of cloves have made researchers hopeful that the spice may help prevent degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s since both are characterised, in part, by acute inflammation.
Cloves may Prevent Cancer
Research is just starting to show that cloves may have some effect against cancer, reducing the risk of the disease in mice that were treated with the spice. Although many more studies and clinical trials will need to be conducted before any concrete claims can be made, the preliminary results are promising.
Cloves help inBuilding Your Immunity
Your body needs a variety of minerals and vitamins to keep it running in top form. Cloves offer dozens of your body’s requirements including vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, thiamine, vitamin B6, riboflavin, manganese, magnesium, selenium and iron. And that’s just naming a few. What’s more, cloves have plenty of essential oils which bring their own blend of comfort and healing to the body. All of that builds up your immune system and lowers your risk for all diseases and minor illnesses.
Cloves are Good for your Skin
Yes, just including cloves in your food on a regular basis will help too. But they also offer a quick fix for those days when a pimple threatens to ruin your day. Since cloves have natural and rather potent anti-bacterial properties, they act as an antiseptic but also inhibit the growth of organisms which may be contributing to acne. So an application of cloves can help you get rid of a pimple and also prevents future breakouts. Here’s a simple face mask recipe to help you get clearer skin. Grind up some cloves till you get about 1 teaspoonful of powder. Mix it up with two to three drops of fresh lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey. Apply evenly on your face and wash off with cold water after 20 minutes.
Image: Shutterstock