Stomach problems are by far the most common ailments that each one of us has faced at point or the other. Your friends are planning a day out in the food street and even though the slightest thought of it makes your mouth water but there is an inhibitor in your way, it is none other than the digestive organ itself, ‘your stomach’. Read the article to ensure that the next time your friends plan an outing, you don’t have to think twice about your stomach problems and relish the delicacies as to your liking.
After common cold, stomach problem is the second most common reason why people go to seek medical attention.
The most common stomach problems that you might encounter on a day to day basis include vomiting, heart burn, indigestion, stomach ache, and diarrhea, constipation and gas related issues. Stomach disorders are caused usually by abnormal diets and stress, but mostly the causes are difficult to trace. Some experts even suggest that digestive problems occur due to hormonal imbalances while another theory says that women are more affected by this problem due to their sensitivity to food. But the crux of the matter is that in both the genders the common stomach problems are on the rise.
However the good news around is that the problem can be dealt in with effectively and successfully if you make a simple change in your life style and follow the below simple preventions and remedies.
Prevention is always preferred than remedy so why not have a look at how most of the common stomach problems can be kept at bay. The recommendations are as under:
Magnesium rich and Fibrous Diet:
Eat a diet which consists of lots of fibrous food like spinach, basil, carrots, squash and almonds and minimize the intake of beans, broccoli, onions and cabbage if you are suffering from a stomach disorder. Fibres help the waste to get eliminated easily from the body as they adds bulk to the food. Moreover, magnesium has the capacity to attract water inside the bowels and helps relax muscles which in turn results in a good bowel movement and keeps the stomach fit.
Drink Aloe Vera Juice:
It is recommended that you drink a glass of Aloe Vera juice on alternate days (but not regularly) to prevent a stomach disorder as Aloe Vera has the capacity to lower your acid levels and speed up the bowel activity.
BRAT Foods:
Try to eat as many BRAT (banana, rice, applesauce, loast) foods to help keep your stomach in a healthy condition as they are easily digestible and help ease the stomach muscles.
If you are seriously interested in preventing your stomach from falling prey to diseases then you have to make sure that you include exercises in your daily time table. It can be either in the form of a morning or evening walk or just simple exercises for the muscles of your stomach which helps get rid of the toxins and excess far from your body, failing otherwise you become bloated.
Skip Spicy, Acidic and Fatty Foods:
Acidic and Spicy foods should be avoided as much as possible especially on an empty stomach as they upset the natural acid production of the stomach. Moreover it is advisable that you minimize the intake of fatty foods at dinner to prevent heart burn or acidity during night.
Avoid Junk Foods:
With the fast and sedentary lifestyles that we have adopted, junk foods have almost began to substitute our staple diets. Junk foods are rich in oils which have a direct effect on your stomach. Almost all the doctors recommend that you avoid junk foods when dealing with the cases of common stomach problems. It is advised that you consume baked food instead and avoid adding alcoholic or caffeinated beverages to save your stomach.
Stop Smoking:
Smoking thins down the stomach lining so much so that in the long run it can even lead to a stomach ulcer. So take a pledge today to put and end to this habit once and for all if you want to avoid those common stomach disorders.
Drink lots of Water:
For a healthier stomach it is recommended that you drink at least eight to nine glasses of water a day especially one on an empty stomach early in the morning. Water acts as a natural treatment to keep the stomach working as a proper digestive organ.
If your stomach has already fallen prey to these common disorders than you use the following methods as a remedy:
Yoga is a multi purpose exercise when it comes to dealing with the common stomach problems. It can help cure constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders. However it is recommended that first consult your doctor if you are practicing yoga for the first time. A head stand yoga posture has the ability of treating irritable bowel syndrome and flatulence; head to knee pose compresses and stretches the abdominal muscles which in turn leads to the treatment of constipation; the forward bend, forg and locust pose can help in treating other digestive disorders like acid reflux and indigestion.
Intake of Ginger:
Gingerol, an anti-oxidant is present in ginger which helps reduce the damage from oxidation in the body especially when it pertains to the digestive organ. Ginger isn’t herb (is a rhizome) and acts as the best medicine to warm the body by dilating the blood vessels and thereby blocking serotonin receptors present in stomach which lead to nausea. If you are suffering from a stomach problem, it is recommended to put ginger in tea, add ginger to your dishes or buy it in the form of ginger capsules form a natural food store. The basic idea is to ensure that whatever you eat contains real ginger, not just an artificial ginger flavor. Read: “Health benefits of Ginger“.
Raising the Head Side of Bed:
This method is recommended to be followed by people who suffer from heart burn and indigestion by raising the head side of the bed by four to six inches (by placing a wooden plank beneath) as this prevents the stomach acids from backing up into the food pipe. Moreover, heart burn can also be prevented if you avoid alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, tomato and avoiding over eating.
Bowel Cleansing:
In case your stomach problem is getting prolonged then cleansing the bowel from its parasites is adopted. Usually the procedure is followed is followed by a dental check up as it is believed that the pathway of the bacteria follows form the mouth to the stomach.
Essentially a cooling herb, peppermint helps calm tissues, reduces stomach cramps and stops bacteria from growing inside your stomach. Its anti-spasmodic qualities make sure that stomach lining and its muscles are kept in a relaxed mode. Peppermint can be taken either with tea or mixed in water as a drink.
While there is no doubt that an upset stomach directly effects our temperament and our mood, so the need is to adopt a proactive approach towards the problem and keep in mind the preventive measures listed above so that you don’t need to resort to medication. However if these common stomach problems ultimately develop into chronic disorders and become persistent in nature then one needs to consult a qualified physician for professional medical health