As a precursor to the ultimate achievement of becoming a mother, pregnancy brings with a large number of associated health issues for women. There are various kids of hormonal changes that take place within a woman’s body during pregnancy. Some of these hormones trigger pregnancy rashes causing much concern and distress to first time mothers. Pregnancy comes with its own set of skin problems like acne, stretch marks and pregnancy rashes it is all a part of the trimesters and generally disappears as soon as the baby is delivered. However, there are ways to avoid these pregnancy rashes and cure them effectively without much of a hassle.
What Causes Pregnancy Rashes:
It is usually believed that the main culprit for causing pregnancy rashes among women is the changes in the level of estrogen and other such hormones. But recent studies have proven that many pregnancy rashes for example the Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy better known as PUPPP is definitely not a product of hormonal shifts, many believe that it occurs due to the fetal cell’s contact with the mother it can also be traced to the genetic patterns obtained from the father’s side. Whatever the reason may be pregnancy rashes should not be completely ignored because even though some of them are nothing more than an annoyance, a few varieties of pregnancy rashes can be a potential threat to the fetus’s health.
Companions of Pregnancy Rashes:
Pregnancy rashes are often accompanied by itchy stretch marks and dark patches on the face usually referred to as the mask of pregnancy. The skin itches because it expands in order to accommodate the fetus within and this is the primary reason of all the discomfort. Pregnancy rashes are also accompanied by acne because of the hormonal changes that occur within the body.
The Types of Rashes:
Rashes that are linked with pregnancy are the following:
Herpes Gestationis:
- Rashes around the abdomen can be Herpes Gestationis and it should be treated well and cautiously because it can spread to the infant after delivery.
- This appears in the first few weeks of pregnancy but there is nothing to worry in the case of PUPPP because it disappears soon after delivery without affecting anyone’s health.
Impetigo Herpetiformis:
- They cause blisters in clusters which are often pus filled. These rashes are often accompanied by high fever, nausea, vomiting and chills. This is a dangerous form of rash and needs to treated immediately by a medical practitioner. Usually shows up in the last trimester of pregnancy and spreads all over the body.
Papular Dermatitis of Pregnancy:
- They appear like insect bites all over the body, although they are harmless to the mother they can cause a potential threat to the fetus.
Prurigo Gestationis:
- Thankfully this kind of rash is not life threatening to anyone but they are uncomfortable to say the least. Appearing as red dots they spread to the limbs starting from the abdominal areas.
Tips to Avoid Pregnancy Rashes:
Thankfully there are remedies one can fall back on to treat these preexisting pregnancy rashes and to avoid them altogether if possible.
Clean Skin mean Clear Skin:
- The first step towards attaining redemption from pregnancy rashes is to ensure that the skin is clean at all times. Skin the new hormones tend to increase the level of oil secretion the pores on the mother’s skin may get clogged and thereby cause pregnancy rashes. So remember to take daily showers and keep washing the face with a gentle antiseptic wash from time to time. Consult a doctor if not sure about which product to choose from.
A Proper Moisturizer:
- It is time to invest on a good moisturizer if one wishes to keep pregnancy rashes at bay. The moisturizer will keep the skin moist and prevent one from scratching the skin too much thereby preventing any further growth or worsening the condition of pregnancy rashes.
A Proper Sunscreen:
- Apart from a good moisturizer a pregnant lady should also take time out to purchase a good sunscreen if she must step outdoors at daytimes. The heat and harsh rays of the run can aggravate pregnancy rashes, acne and the process of skin darkening. Just the heat alone can cause heat rashes so it is wise to stay indoors when the weather outside is scorching hot.
- A pregnant woman’s clothing should be always be comfortable and made of natural fabric like cotton. Pregnancy rashes can worsen if one keeps wearing thick layers of synthetic clothes which prevent the body from direct contact of fresh air. The heat and sweat clog pores and make it highly uncomfortable for everyone not just the expectant mother.
Skin Friendly Cosmetics:
- Only use skin friendly or herbal products on skin because chemicals and heavy oils will stimulate the growth of pregnancy rashes. So take care before choosing a particular skin product and read the label well before buying it.
Cold Showers:
- It is known to all that cold water closes pores while hot water opens them. Pregnancy tends to heat up the body so a cold shower will not only calm the body but also help in minimizing the chances of pregnancy rashes as it will keep the pores shut and prevent them from being exposed to oils and bacteria. Hot water also dries the skin out and makes the itching worse with time. If using soap then remember to wash all traces of it from the body. Any residue left behind can be the cause of further pregnancy rashes.
Oatmeal Baths:
- Oatmeal Baths are great for treating and preventing pregnancy rashes and it is easily available at any medicine store. Just mix it with the water while taking a shower.
Milk Relief:
- One can also treat these kinds of rashes by placing a cloth soaked in milk on the affected area
Never Ignore the Rashes:
It does not matter if the rashes appear as tiny harmless looking dots in the beginning, expectant mothers must not take pregnancy rashes casually because the condition might worsen before one knows it. Therefore ideally if one finds that the rashes persist even after a good regime of skin cleaning and are growing in number while getting itchier day by day, then it is imperative to consult a doctor at the earliest possible. Some of these rashes can lead to serious complications in the expectant mother and growing baby’s health. Pregnancy is a delicate period prior to the joy of attaining motherhood and thus deserves all the extra care and attention possible. Minor lapses could easily aggravate into serious complications which become difficult to tackle at a later stage. Additionally problems encountered by the mother during pregnancy could leave life long impressions of the forthcoming baby. Safety measures adopted during this phase will ensure a healthy child secured from health defects that can be easily avoided through a little acre.