Traditionally known as the ‘Golden Syrup’ in most ancient cultures the wonderful benefits of honey for skin have been recognized and harnessed by elegant, glamorous and fashionable personalities throughout history. Being a natural product its application is absolutely safe on all skin types and therefore presents the ideal remedy for a wide range of skin conditions.
The Golden Equation of Honey and Beauty
Among the several wonderful health benefits that can be derived from this amazing syrup, the use of honey for skin enhancement is probably the most significant one. Natural honey contains a variety of antioxidants and a host of superior vitamins like Riboflavin (B2), Folate (C, B9), Niacin (B3) and Pantothenic Acid (B5) which can work wonders for skin of any age and type.
This wonder product can be effectively used to enhance the skin tone due to its moisture retention properties coupled with its ability to provide deep cleansing for opening up the pores on the surface thereby allowing the skin to breathe freely. The antioxidants contained in this organic element prevent cell degeneration, rejuvenate the surface cells and protect them from the harmful effects of UV rays for providing a more supple and firm skin with lesser wrinkles that is essential for anti aging care. Direct application as well as internal consumption of honey stimulates the production of essential hormones and enzymes in the required proportion. This restoration of hormonal balance is the key factor behind its anti acne effects.
Practical Honey Beauty Applications Tips
Whether applied individually or in conjunction with other products, the use of honey for skin improvement has immediate and visible results that can be appreciated by everyone. Adding a spoonful of the syrup in a bucket of water for bathing ensures that the entire body can receive the water retention benefits.
Mixing it with almond and flour, makes for an excellent face scrub, that can be washed off easily with warm water.
- Along with lemon and vegetable oil this syrup can act as a great skin moisturizer to be applied on the shoulders, back and arms.
- A combination of honey with milk is the ideal formula for getting a glowing skin within minutes of application.
- Additionally egg white is another ingredient that can be combined for removing tan from exposed parts of the body after a hot day in the sun.
- Even black spot removal is easily achieved by using a paste of saffron and honey.
There are numerous other formulations with this natural product which can be employed for a better looking and great feeling skin.
While procuring honey for skin application one needs to make sure that the product is raw, natural and organic. Manuka honey is the ideal variant to be used for beauty products as it is richest in terms of antioxidant content. Oatmeal, avocado, turmeric, yoghurt, peer, cinnamon and a host of other natural elements can be added to derive the best possible results for your skin.
The extremely long shelf life of honey is yet another of its marvelous properties which make it an ideal product for home based skin care formulations.