Beautiful hair makes for most part of a woman’s charm and beauty. If you have lustrous and beautifully flowing tresses, you’re good to go out without any makeup and still demand attention. Beautiful, long hair, are a point of envy for most women. Every girl wants to be Rupunzel and let her hair down to get her prince-charming.
Not all of us are blessed with naturally healthy and beautiful hair. Also, almost always, the grass is greener on the other side. If you have straight hair you want curly locks and if you have curly hair you want poker straight tresses. Regular hair treatments in the form of colouring, perming, straightening and regular shampooing harm our hair to a great extent. Then we chemically treat it further to restore the luster and health back. But, all this is done in vain.
Regularly oiling your hair is a one step solution to having breakage free, long, silky hair, which shine. Hair oil moisturizes the hair and the scalp. It rejuvenates the hair follicles and restores health in dying, dull hair.
To have healthy and gorgeous hair, oil must be applied at least two times every week. If hair is really dull and life-less, treat your hair with an oil massage before every wash. A 5-minutes hot oil massage can work wonders on abused hair.
Hair oil fights all hair problems
Dandruff happens when your scalp is dry. The more you scratch the more you shed those white flakes all over your shoulders. A hot oil massage is the best and sure way to get rid of dandruff. Leave the oil over-night. You could rinse it off with your favourite anti-dandruff shampoo. Do this for a week or two and can be dandruff free.
Hair loss
Hair oil strengthens the roots and repairs the damage on the hair shaft. It reduces hair fall and prevents further breakage. If the hair breakage is too much you might want to visit a doctor, as just oil massages would not help in this case.
Health and shine
Use olive oil if you want hair that exudes soft shine. Rub some extra virgin olive oil in your palm, start at the hair ends. Go upwards spreading oil throughout the hair and finish at the scalp. This is a great way to bring a dazzle to your hair.
Length enhancer
Nourished hair grows faster. If you want to grow you hair, use hot oil treatments regularly and keep your hair healthy. Long hair looks beautiful only If it well maintained and lustrous.
Best way to oil hair:
Slightly heat the oil to room temperature. Let it be cool enough to dip your fingers into it, without burning.
- Part you hair in the centre and start applying oil to the parted roots. Then make sections in your hair and continue oiling the parted sections.
- Massage for at least 5-8 minutes.
- Once the roots are done take very little oil and rub in your hair.
- Use a brush or a thick teethed comb to spread the oil all over your hair.
- Do not wash your hair immediately after oiling it. Let the hair absorb the oil for half an hour. To achieve the best results leave the oil in your hair over-night and wash your hair in the morning.
- Use oil in your hair before every wash as shampooing leaves your hair dry.
The massage helps the blood to circulate in your head, which makes your hair healthy.
Hair oils
There are a lot of different oils available in the market. There are oils that that have different effects. There are oils to cool your head after a long and tiring day. There are other oils that are medically treated for lice and dandruff.
There are natural oils for hair such as mustard oil; coconut oil and olive oil.
Castor oil is known to work wonders on your hair.
Adding essential oils like almond oil, jojoba oil, rosemary oil and lavender oil to your regular hair oil is a very good idea for deep conditioning.
Hot Oil Therapy
Most celebrities use, what is called a Hot Oil Therapy. Apply oil to your hair and massage for 10-15 minutes. Let the oil spread all over your hair. Take a hot towel and place it over your head like a turban. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse off the oil with your regular shampoo. This is to block the heat of the oil within to let the oil seep into your hair and scalp. This provides intense therapy to the damaged and dull hair. This treatment also works wonders incase of split ends and dry hair.
Oiling you hair is a chemically free, healthy way of nourishing it, for the over-all health of your tresses. It is a very easy, cheap and non-time consuming method to keep your hair shining lustrously. So next time you want to iron your hair or blow-dry it and you’re worried about spoiling your hair, do not worry. Just make sure you use oil therapy to bring back all the lost moisture.
Image: Shutterstock