Prior to her ninety days sentence to jail scheduled to commence from the 20th of July 2010, in an interview with the German GQ, for whom she has just finished posing for the August 2011 issue not leaving much to imagination, Lindsay Lohan talks about the negative impact of media and how it has turned Hollywood into something which is now more about Celebrities and gossip.
Speaking about acting she said that that’s something she will never stop doing as films tell stories people can learn from. According to her, the concept of film, in which you put oneself in a dark room, hidden from the real world you discover similarities between the screen and oneself enthralls her and she loved it too much to give up.
She also talked about how people believe the media and them providing false information about things that never happened, forces people to see a totally different picture of and how celebrity gossip damages the reputation of actors superimposing on their work in the movies.