Sahil Akhtar, Michelle Shah, Chandan Kumar and Vaibhavi Joshi attended the song recording of their upcoming movie “Life Mein Twist” in Mumbai, India on May 5, 2014.
Cast of Life Mein Twist Meet Up for Song Recording
The movie is essentially a love story in which the protagonist, at certain times, loses his memory for a short period does not recall who he did what with during those blackouts. This, said the director, is the twist. He stressed that their concept was completely fresh and had not been copied from anywhere.
Michelle Shah Sahil Akhtar and Vaibhavi Joshi
Singer Javed Ali was also present at the event. He played back a song he had recorded for the movie, commenting that the particular tune was sung from the point of view of someone who desires someone else.
Michelle Shah in Life Mein Twist
Michelle Shah in Life Mein Twist 2014
Vaibhavi Joshi in Life Mein Twist
Vaibhavi Joshi 2014 in Life Mein Twist
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