Filmmaker Prakash Jha has been instrumental and quite visible during the promotions of his upcoming film “Satyagraha”. Although directors do often accompany their star casts to promo events, few do so as often as Prakash and fewer still are so involved in the process. He was at it again as he joined his cast Bollywood actors Amruta Rao, Ajay Devgan and Arjun Rampal in Mumbai on August 24 just days ahead of the film’s release in India and the UK on August 30. The film also stars Kareena Kapoor, Manoj Bajpai and Amitabh Bachchan but they were busy with other commitments. We’re sure to see them at other promo events before the week is out.
Cast of ‘Satyagraha’ on Final Leg of Promotions in Mumbai
Prakash reiterated that this movie would be an inspiration to youth in the country. Kareena has also said the same thing before and the rest of the cast has agreed. He feels that it is true especially now as young people are interested in the politics of the nation like never before.
Ajay Devgan and Amrita Rao promote ‘Satyagraha’
Satyagraha depicts the revolution that is a natural progression of long-standing corruption, greed and mismanagement in a government. It is normal for there to be an uprising when people are dissatisfied with the way their country is being run. This sentiment has been echoed repeatedly by every single member of the cast at some point or the other and may very well refer to the state of affairs in the country at this very moment.
Ajay Devgan promotes ‘Satyagraha’
However, Prakash stressed yet again that although many people were talking only about the political shade of the film, for him it was more about the relationship between a father and son.
Amrita Rao promotes Satyagraha
Cast of ‘Satyagraha’ promotes movie
Image: IANS