Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor is very excited about his upcoming romantic comedy “Phata Poster Nikla Hero” with Ileana D’cruz. He was spotted on the sets of the film in Mumbai, India on July 25.
Shahid Kapoor “Phata Poster Nikla Hero” 2013
Directed by Rajkumar Santoshi, the film will see Shahid attempting comedy as well as engaging in some action sequences, albeit unintentionally. From the trailer which was released some days ago, it appears that he plays the role of a struggling actor who gets mistaken for a cop when he is dressed up as one, apparently while auditioning for something or the other. As for Ileana, she obviously plays his love interest, a Marathi mulgi at that. It will be interesting to see the duo’s on-screen chemistry.
Shahid Kapoor 2013 “Phata Poster Nikla Hero”
The film is scheduled for release on August 23 but you never know if there will be hiccups along the way as seems to be the norm nowadays. We’ll keep you updated so watch this space.
Image: IANS