The birthday celebrations of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan took place at Reliance Media Works at Film City in Mumbai. King Khan attended the bash with his better-half Gauri Khan.
Sharukh Khan & Gauri Amitabh Bachahan’s 70th Birthday Bash
While Shah rukh chose a three-piece suit for the event, Gauri Khan wore a Michael Kors one-shoulder gown. She accessorized with animal-print heels, diamond bracelet, small floral earrings and a box-clutch.
Sharukh Khan with Gauri Amitabh Bachahan’s 70th Birthday bash
Shah Rukh Khan wore a scarlet scarf around his neck. He sure looked sexy with Gauri in tow.
Gauri khan at Amitabh Bachahan’s 70th Birthday Bash
Gauri did her eyes beautifully; she lined her eyes Sophia Loren style. Her dazzling skin and nude glossy lips added sheen to her look. We absolutely dig this look!
They look chic together and we love them. Shah Rukh even went ahead and sang Happy Birthday to You for Mr. Bachchan. That is so adorable!
We also wish Mr. Bachchan a very healthy life!